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How should the school do to avoid the locker searches

With the coming of the season in the school, most students have set up of their new school life. When we talk about the new school life, we have to associate the selection before choosing the new school. It seems that there is one concern for some parents, the absence of school lockers.

Some parents of students have noticed that there are no lockers in some of the new school, which will cause a a lot of inconvenience for their children and it will increase the rate of loss of the students personal belongings. In fact, the only school lockers are inside the gymnasium locker room while none in the hallways. Then, dose it need to buy school lockers to place it in other places except the gymnasium locker room?

The management of the school lockers is indeed facing with its own problems for a debate. Among of a number of the debates around the school lockers, the hottest one sits in the locker searches. Some people think that the locker searches is a safety precaution for maintain the school order and make sure the safe of the students, while the others consider it as a violation of students privacy, and it will cause the student’s distrust to the school.

Well, as far as the concern of Jialifu, the school locker manufacturers, focusing on the school locker for sale for 15 years. If the school would like to set up lockers for students, then all the issues around the locker should be based on respecting their privacy. To avoid the situations of theft, scuffle, quarrel, mistakes and other issues around the locker, Jialifu suggests:

1. Install the camera nearby the locker to observe and remind the students to notice their behaviours and keep the right use of the locker

2. To make sure that each locker is the same and no problem, the school should buy the fine quality and durable locker for the students, such as the hpl lockers.

3. The school authority won’t make the locker searches of student locker but should remind them not to put some valuable belongings in it and state clear about the duty allocation

4. To avoid mistaking the locker and forgetting one’s own locker, the school can make marks on the locker. The mark should be labeled on the conspicuous place and it is better to be engraved on the panel.

If you want to find school locker manufacturers with the above mentioned conditions, why may not consider Jialifu? We will make sure to meet your need as long as you trust us.