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Whether is it necessary for installing school lockers in playground

Recently, according to a survey on whether it is necessary for school to install lockers in playground showed that except for the PE class, most students will tend to the playground after class or supper,they will have a walk or running on the playground. When the students were asked how often would they go to the playground, most of them reflected that they went to the playground at least twice a week. The mobile phones, playing an essential part on integrating the amusements with communication, were usually carried with students, even that some girl students would bring the purse or bags to playground, which were quite inconvenient and unsafe for them. Some of the students stated that they lost their personal effects when they were running or doing something that couldn’t carry with the objects.

Therefor, it got a favourable feedback about installing the school locker on the playground. As far as our Jialifu is concerned, starting from the safe school and thoughtfulness for students, it is no doubt that installing the school locker will bring the mutual benefit to the schools and students. For school, the administrators of the school will lessen the trouble in the lost events and it will win a good reputation meanwhile. For students, they don’t worry that their personal properties will get lost any more when they are not in side, which may encourage students to go to the playground more often or to do the exercise more... For the locker size, Jialifu suggested to apply to the five tiers locker as the size can hold a school bag or a purse let alone a mobile phone, it can make a good use of room and the locker height is acceptable by most students. As for the locker locks, we recommend to use the campus IC card to distinguish. In this way, it can make sure that the students can find their things accurately without worrying how to prevent the loss of the key.

In short, installing the school locker on the playground will bring the mutual benefit to school and students.