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How to design your lockers for home

how to design your lockers for room so that you can make the best use of your room space and make it seem capacious? Jialifu tips you.

November 30, 2016
The second time in Dubai Big 5

The second time for Jialifu to attend the Dubai Big 5 to show our toilet cubicles and lockers to people. We will attend more exhibition to make our brand and products known in the world.

December 01, 2016
The design of the digital locker get the favor from users

May be the digital locker applying the electronic or number locks will replace the traditional locker in the locker system.

December 07, 2016
Provide the employee lockers also works as a form of the welfare diversification

To improve the welfare in the company for your employees can increase their loyalty and show the care for employees. The employee lockers do.

December 13, 2016
The hpl fit lockers are highly recommended in fitness club

The news is on the lady who was infected by the unclean fit locker and then caused the dispute with the fitness club operators. We Jialifu tell you how impotant to choose the right locker in fitness center.

December 21, 2016